The ragged pieces of ideas and thoughts of my attempt to live a life as a contemporary monastic in the urban city of Singapore..


What is Christianity all about ?

One of my uncle's friend told me that Christianity is a thinking religion. He is not wrong but I thought that Christianity is different things to different people depending how they want it to be. If they approach it with a lot of thought then its a thinking religion, if approach it with a lot of reading and studying, then its a academic or theological religion, if they approach it with strict observance, then its an legalistic religion and if they approach in an business sort of way then it is an organised religion.

However if they approach it with reading the bible, loving God and loving others through obeying what is God saying to them, then it's not just a so & so religion, it is a relationship. If they go a step further to obey EVERYTHING that God is saying to them and letting God help them obey, then it becomes an awesome relationship. That I think is what Christianity is all about.

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