The ragged pieces of ideas and thoughts of my attempt to live a life as a contemporary monastic in the urban city of Singapore..


Reading in a park

Yesterday, on my way to the library I saw a charming lady in her 40s sitting alone in a quiet park reading a magazine. She was conservatively dressed with a neat appearance, everything to suggest she is a mother has a family and holds a day job. As I walked past her towards my destination, I try to glace at the magazine she was reading. While I couldn't catch what magazine, i saw the article in it and it was titled "Turning Your Life Around".

Now she appeared as someone who wants to do something to her life. While most people I know wants to as well, she appeared to me a bit more determined. I could easily find another person reading the same article not in a quiet park but on a busy train on the way to work or while eating lunch with friends most likely also exchanging smart comments about the article being read. It's often out of convenience and very seldom out of deliberation.

As followers of Christ, we know that while being Martha the worker is important, being Mary the contemplative is better. So almost all of us wants a closer fellowship with God. However it is quite sad that not much 'effort' is involved in waiting on Him. We wait on the Lord while on the bus, while eating, while doing ministry which is almost an impossible task because while on the train, eating and in ministry, there is normally so much of ourselves and so little of Him for Him to really work in us. We need to empty ourselves, be present and be available because that's the prerequisite for a time the voice of God can be heard and the light of God can shine brightest.

A time we should be lesser and the Lord should be more. A time the Lord can be Himself and not molded according to our ideas and perception of Him. A time to built love in the heart because love is then not that of us but of God who is Love itself. I think a time of deliberate contemplation and prayer is perhaps the greatest need in our efficient (but hardly meaningful) society.

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