The ragged pieces of ideas and thoughts of my attempt to live a life as a contemporary monastic in the urban city of Singapore..
Last friday visited the doctor. Dr Lee's a friendly chap and he told me that I visit him yearly. It was almost exactly last year that I came. I came out with medicine for cough, throat infection, eye infection, stiffneck and headache. 5 in one visit, that's a collection of illnesses and should cover those times I didn't see him during the year. I had to preach on Sunday and with a throat infection, I prayed for my voice back in a speedy recovery. Come Sunday I had the perfect voice for a great time with the kids.
After a usual full Sunday, as I was walking to the hospital to visit auntie Elsie in the evening, I felt a heavy and deep conviction that a 'voice' is not good enough. That something else is required that I should ask for. I ought to pray for LOVE as well. I teared because I notice that the yard stick of a great Sunday has always been how well I delivered a message or how I so called 'performed'... and its seldom how much people/kids have received my service to God. How did they sense love from me. How much of what I do impacted people whether it is love by means of acceptance or a challenge.
I realise I have a long way to go but I pray I'm moving closer to what should be the perfect service to God because is not worth doing otherwise.
Some advices rendered to me during my 'down' time 1) drink water, 2) give yourself more rest and 2) don't carry heavy stuff. I think the last one has a spiritual meaning too.
posted by Hiew Hong Teck # 12:03 PM
Monday, August 28, 2006